Service measurements​​
For tensiometric, rheological measurements and measurements with dynamic light scattering, please contact Prof. Ziener.
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
Room 3211 / M 26, phone (+49 731) 50-23897
Responsible person: Günther Weber
DSC-measurements are done with a DSC 2 from Mettler Toledo with STARe Software V.13 usually in 40 µl Al-pans
temperature range: -120°C to 350°C
Amount of sample needed: about 10 mg
Please fill in the form below, send it by mail to Mr. Weber and put the sample in the appropriate box in room 3211.
Inform Mr. Weber at least 3 days in advance.
Thermal gravimetry (TGA)
Room 3211 / M 26, phone (+49 731) 50-23897
Responsible person: Günther Weber
TGA-measurements are done with a TGA 8000 TM from Perkin Elmer with PYRIS-software V. 13 usually in Alox-pans
temperature range: 30°C to 800 °C (max. 1100°C)
Amount of sample needed: about 10 mg
Please fill in the form below, send it by mail to Mr. Weber and put the sample in the appropriate box in room 3211.
Inform Mr. Weber at least 1 day in advance.