Bachelor Chemistry
If you have chosen "Macromolecular Chemistry" as a fourth subject in the Bachelor's degree in chemistry, you will attend the basic lecture Macromolecular Chemistry I (synthesis) in the winter term.
Please note: The basic lecture I including the seminar is a strongly recommended course in the master’s program if macromolecular chemistry is chosen as a fourth subject, provided that macromolecular chemistry was not already completed as a compulsory subject in the bachelor’s program.
In the summer term, the basic internship in macromolecular chemistry and the second part of the introduction with the lecture Macromolecular Chemistry II (characterization) follow.
Detailed information is found on Moodle.
The lectures are taught in German and the german version of the page is found here.
Master Chemistry
In the Master’s program, you can choose “Macromolecular Chemistry” as a fourth subject in “Study Program 1 Chemistry”. To do this, you need to attend the lecture
"Polymeric Materials: Macromolecular Materials in Nano- and Micro-Systems"
as compulsory course in winter. You also have to complete two additional elective courses.
Please note: The bachelor's lecture Macromolecular Chemistry I, including the seminar, is a strongly recommended course in the master’s program when macromolecular chemistry is chosen as a fourth subject, provided that macromolecular chemistry was not already completed as a compulsory subject in the bachelor’s program.
Otherwise you can currently choose from the following lectures:
In summer: "Soft Matter II - Thermodynamic Aspects in Polymer Nanoscience", "Soft Matter Nano-Science", "Biopolymers"
In winter: "Soft Matter I - Colloid Chemistry"
We recommend the combination "Soft Matter I" and "Soft Matter II", but other combinations are also possible. These lectures are concluded with partial module exams. In addition, you have to do a project work in "Macromolecular Chemistry" in our institute, which lasts ten weeks (half a day, during the lecture period) or five weeks (full day). By the way, you can also do the project work in the area of ​​"organic chemistry" with us. Note: We assign the project work centrally, please contact Prof. Alexander Kühne (M26 / 3202) or Prof. Ulrich Ziener (M26 / 3204).
As in-depth lectures, you can choose from the lectures you have not yet attended from the compulsory elective courses listed above, as well as the following selection:
In summer: Inorganic Nanomaterials
In winter: Biomaterials
In the "Study Program 2 Materials" we also offer the lecture "Polymeric Materials" (winter) in the field of Materials II (Soft Matter). You can find detailed information and materials in the corresponding Moodle courses. In both study programs there is the possibility of completing your master’s thesis in our institute. To do this, you must first complete the preparatory seminar directly before the master's thesis. This mainly consists of the thematic familiarization with the master thesis topic (literature study), but it can also contain experimental work. It takes between eight and twelve weeks and ends with a presentation in English in the institute's seminar. You can find an overview of our research activities for choosing your master's thesis topic on our research pages. The master's thesis lasts six months and is also concluded with a presentation in English.
Note: As you can see from above, we offer some material and polymer-oriented courses. Before attending them, you should have attended at least the first basic lecture "Macromolecular Chemistry I" from the bachelor's degree. Ideally, you will take part in both basic lectures or learn the contents of the second lecture on your own.
Details on the respective courses are found on Moodle.
The courses are taught in English. The german version of the page is found here.
Master Energy Science & Technology
Within the Master Program "Energy Science and Technology" we offer the following lectures:
Polymeric Materials - Macromolecular Materials in Nano- and Micro-Systems
Soft Matter I - Colloid Chemistry
For details please see the corresponding Moodle courses.
Higher Education in Chemistry
Demonstration course - Chemistry Didactics II
Organizational details and information on the didactic background of Chemistry Didactics II can be found on Moodle.
The course is taught in German.